Keeping Your Carpet Clean this Winter

Winter Carpet Cleaning

We can see and feel it coming from a mile away: the sun is waning, the days are getting shorter, the kids are back in school, and there is a noticeable nip in the air that we have not experienced for several months. Like it or not, this can only mean one thing – summer is on the way out and autumn and winter are on the doorstep, ready to make their presence known.

This means much more time spent indoors due to colder weather but also holiday parties and pageantry. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s for many people mean lots of entertaining and hosting people in our homes. One of the most difficult tasks during this busy season with guests is keeping our carpet looking it's very best.

With all the foot traffic this time of year you may think it is impossible for any carpet to remain dirt free and spotless. But with a little work and adherence to the following tips, it is possible to get through the indoor party season with your carpet in great looking shape.

Keeping Outdoors Outside

First of all, try to keep as much of the outdoors outside as you can. Most of the dirt buildup in winter is the result of dirt and moisture that is walked inside. Purchase some sturdy rugs and have a designated place for shoes when guests come indoors and make sure to keep the porch and driveway swept and shoveled.

Routine Vacuuming

You should always try to vacuum more often in the winter. Use a high-quality vacuum cleaner to maximize your results. Make sure to do the staircases and other high traffic areas that attract dirt. Some vacuums even come with air filtration systems to improve air quality as well.

If your carpets begin to look dirty or worn before spring is on the horizon, don’t wait to get them professionally cleaned. The longer you ignore the buildup of dirt the more damage it will do it and make it more difficult to remove. Remember, there are some advantages to carpet cleaning in the winter. Your carpets dry faster in the winter than in the summer and some carpet cleaning companies will have more available appointments.

If you need professional cleaning, {Sub:BusinessName} is a great place to start. We have nearly 30 years of experience keeping carpets looking their very best and their stellar reputation says it all! Before all your guests come to a calling, give Executive a ring at 630-990-8600. You’ll be glad you did!
